Thursday, May 31, 2007

31 May - Understanding the coding part

Today we learnt how to populate the grid i.e. how to fillt he grid when the control loads. So, we first just populated the Tables using SQL statements and then we learnt about how to show them in the grid. Kiran explained us everything related to it and we started doing it with one screen. 3 of us together. So, we starte with causes screen and the progress is quite ok, as till now we understood what we are doing, but still did not complete it. We join the grid's datasource to the dataTable that is created for the respective table. And then, we learned about Nhibernate and that it generates SQL statements by itself. We use that to read and write from the database in this project.
And more about the workflow of the project, From control to ServiceLayer and then to Service and then to Businesses in which we finally have Nhibernate to write to Database.

And yesterday we just did the UIs that were given to us. Not much.

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